Updated: October 26, 2023

Ron Brown Scholarship

Ron Brown Scholar Program

Founded in 1996, the Ron Brown Scholar Program is a selective scholarship program that aims to empower young African-American students and create future leaders.

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The Ron Brown Scholarship was established in memory of Ronald H. Brown, the first African-American Secretary of Commerce, who tragically lost his life in a plane crash. The program honors his legacy by offering scholarships, mentorship, and resources to exceptional young individuals who demonstrate promising leadership qualities and a commitment to public service.

What is the Ron Brown Scholarship?

The Ron Brown Scholarship is a highly prestigious, merit-based scholarship program that supports and empowers young African-American students in their pursuit of a college education.

Although there are many different types of scholarships available, the Ron Brown Scholarship is specifically a minority scholarship, providing opportunities for African-American students.

The key features of the Ron Brown Scholarship include:

The Benefits of Being a Ron Brown Scholar

The mission of the Ron Brown Scholarship is to create a network of scholars who will not only achieve academic success but also make a positive impact in their respective communities and on a global scale.

We've listed some of the key benefits of being a Ron Brown Scholar that you can refer to in your college application.

Scholarship Funds

The scholarship provides invaluable financial assistance to cover the cost of tuition, fees, and room and board for up to four years of undergraduate study.

The winners of the Ron Brown Scholar Program receive a monetary award of $10,000 per year. This translates to a total scholarship value of $40,000 over four years of undergraduate study.

The four-year $40,000 scholarship award provides a significant contribution towards tuition fees, room and board, textbooks, and other educational expenses.

This substantial financial aid enables scholarship winners to pursue their academic aspirations without the burden of excessive student loans, further enhancing their educational opportunities and accomplishments. This scholarship award also makes this program one of the most competitive scholarships amongst African-American students.

Mentorship for Ron Brown Scholars

A stand-out aspect of the Ron Brown scholarship is its focus on mentorship throughout the scholars' college journey, ensuring that they receive guidance and encouragement to excel academically and personally.

Each Ron Brown scholar is paired with a mentor who serves as a guide and advocate during their college years. Mentors are accomplished professionals who provide valuable insights, advice, and connections to help students navigate the challenges and opportunities they encounter.

This unique mentorship not only supports scholars academically but also helps them develop leadership skills, professional networks, and an understanding of the importance of community engagement.

Commitment to Community

The Ron Brown Scholar Program prides itself on creating a strong sense of community among its scholars. The program organizes annual summits and conferences, bringing scholars together to connect, collaborate, and learn from each other. There is also an abundance of community engagement opportunities provided by the Ron Brown Scholarship, encouraging students to give back to the community in a positive way.

What are the eligibility criteria for the Ron Brown Scholar Program?

To be eligible for the Ron Brown Scholar Program, applicants must:

In addition to these particular scholarship conditions, candidates must have an outstanding academic record, as it is a merit-based scholarship. In their college application, students must also have demonstrated exceptional leadership skills and involvement in community service activities.

Students who have a particular interest in business entrepreneurship, global citizenship, and community engagement are likely to stand out on their scholarship application.

The selection committee also considers factors such as financial need, perseverance in the face of adversity, and commitment to becoming a contributing member of society.

How are recipients of the Ron Brown Scholarship selected?

The selection process for the Ron Brown Scholarship is one of the most rigorous, and it is one of the most competitive four-year scholarships for African-American students.

As the scholarship emphasizes academic excellence, leadership ability, and a commitment to public service, chances for selection will be increased if students can demonstrate these skills in their college application.

The scholarship committee will review application materials, selecting applicants who demonstrate exceptional leadership potential, a commitment to community service activities, and strong academic achievement. Letters of recommendation from teachers or coaches will also be considered as part of the application process.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Ron Brown Scholar Program

What is the application process for the Ron Brown Scholar Program?

The requirements for the application process include:

Students are required to submit two 500-word essays as part of their application for the Ron Brown Scholarship. One of the essay questions will be about a specific topic, whilst the second essay can be about any topic.

Two letters of recommendation should be submitted as part of the application, with one letter written by a school teacher, principal, or school counselor.

Although SAT/ACT scores are not required for the application, students must still display a high level of academic discipline with a high grade point average and class ranking.

Applications must, of course, be submitted before the deadline, so be sure to give yourself ample time to complete the essays to the best of your ability and ensure that your letters of recommendation are submitted on time.

How does the Ron Brown Scholar Program support leadership development?

The Ron Brown Scholar Program is focused on empowering young African-American students and cultivating future leaders. The program provides invaluable leadership opportunities, along with financial assistance to support the cost of tuition, fees, and room and board for up to four years of undergraduate study.

Throughout their time in the program, scholars are encouraged to exhibit leadership ability and participate in roles in their communities, as well as pursuing service-oriented careers that can make a positive impact on society. The program helps college students develop the skills and confidence they need to become effective leaders and achieve their desired career objectives, whilst making meaningful contributions to their communities.

How many scholarships does the program award each year?

The program awards up to fifty scholarships each year to talented and deserving students. This means that only the top fifty applicants who meet the program's selection criteria are awarded the scholarship.

This prestigious award is highly selective as it aims to honor the legacy of Ronald H. Brown, by providing scholarships, mentorship, and resources to students who will not only achieve academic success but also make a positive impact in their respective communities and the world at large.

How has the Ron Brown Scholar Program impacted communities?

The Ron Brown Scholarship has positively impacted communities in several ways:

  1. Improved educational attainment: As the Ron Brown scholarship is a minority scholarship, it has provided opportunities for academically talented African-American students, acknowledging the systemic barriers faced by minority students.

    The scholarship also helps economically disadvantaged students to attend college and pursue advanced degrees. This has led to increased education attainment within communities and contributes to a more educated workforce.
  2. Encouraging diversity: The scholarship program promotes diversity, inclusion, and equity in higher education and workplaces. The program aims to uplift high-achieving, disadvantaged youth to support their studies and their future.
  3. Developing Future Leaders: The Ron Brown Scholarship includes a comprehensive leadership program, which enables current college students to develop the skills needed to become successful leaders in various fields.

    This helps create a pool of talented and skilled leaders who can bring about positive change in their communities.
  4. Extensive Community Service Projects: The Ron Brown scholarship requires recipients to take part in community service projects, which help to build stronger communities by providing much-needed services to underserved populations. This also helps to instill a sense of responsibility and civic-mindedness in scholarship recipients.

Can international students apply to the Ron Brown Scholar Program?

The Ron Brown Scholar Program is exclusively designed for African-American students who are permanent residents or citizens of the United States. This means that international students are not eligible to become Ron Brown Scholars.

The program aims to empower young African-American students and cultivate future leaders by providing financial aid, mentorship, and other support services to the African-American community. International students can, however, apply for other merit-based scholarships, such as the Coca-Cola Scholarship, provided they reside in the U.S.

Apply to Become a Ron Brown Scholar and Change Your Future

The Ron Brown Scholar Program continues to empower young African-American students with exceptional potential. By providing financial aid, mentorship, and community engagement, scholars are encouraged to achieve greatness and positively impact their communities and the world.

The legacy of Ron Brown lives on through these remarkable individuals, who embody his vision and serve as inspiration for future generations.